[이벤트] Your needs is likely to be KIM MYUNG SOO’s command 2021 KIM MYUNG SOO Ontact Fan Mee… 김명수,KIMMYUNGSOO,RememberUS,Ontact,fanmeeting,매니지먼트이상,Applewood,kt,seezn,ollehtv,MyMusicTaste

이벤트/할인 정보 모음: Your needs is likely to be KIM MYUNG SOO’s command
2021 KIM MYUNG SOO Ontact Fan Mee…

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Your needs is likely to be KIM MYUNG SOO’s command 😉
2021 KIM MYUNG SOO Ontact Fan Assembly [Remember US] seems very promising! with the <Wishlist to Myung Soo!> Occasion👇 #김명수 #KIMMYUNGSOO #RememberUS #Ontact #fanmeeting #매니지먼트이상 #Applewood #kt #seezn #ollehtv #MyMusicTaste

MyMusicTaste, profile picture2人、、「2021 KIM MYUNG soo ONTACT FAN MEETING Remember uS 2021.02.20(SAT) 4PM KST 주최 APPLEWOOD kt O٥O seezn ollehtv MYUNG MUSIC TASTE 遠傳friday影音 Ontact Meeting [Remember US] to Myung Soo!> HowoPaticpate 1. down want Myung Soo to do Myung might granting your wish during the fan (Ex) Pleas Love 2. Please send your wish the email below within the event period. Name Contents (Write down the wish you want Myung Soo to grant you) Event Period Feb 9th(Tues) 18:00(KST)~ Feb 4th(Sat)18:00(KST) Please person ae entris not allowed. slang jokes be」というテキストの画像のようです

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