The 4th round of VERIVERY 6th MINI ALBUM SERIES ‘O’ [ROUND 2 : H…
The 4th round of VERIVERY 6th MINI ALBUM SERIES ‘O’ [ROUND 2 : HOLE] International Video Name Occasion closes quickly!
Seize it now!💿👉 https://mmt.followers/MpPL
🗓️Out there till October 1st, 11:59 PM (KST)
✨Winners get: Signed Polaroid✨
(and an opportunity to📲 #VERIVERY)
📌Purchase VERIVERY sixth MINI ALBUM SERIES ‘O’ [ROUND 2 : HOLE] through https://mmt.followers/MpPL and routinely enter the draw to take part within the The 4th spherical of VERIVERY sixth MINI ALBUM SERIES ‘O’ [ROUND 2 : HOLE] International Video Name Occasion.
📌Solely 30 fortunate purchasers will likely be drawn to take part.
📌1 CD = 1 entry. A number of entries enhance probabilities to win a spot within the International Video Name Occasion.
Winner Announcement:
🌟30 winners will likely be introduced on October 4, 2021, 1PM (KST) through electronic mail.
🌟The International Video Name Occasion will occur on October 8, 2021, 1 PM (KST)
#StopWishingStartMaking #베리베리 #VERIVERY #ROUND2HOLE #VERIVERY_Fansign with #MyMusicTaste
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