부가티 영상: A collection of 261 individual sculptures and artwork, based on the BUGATTI La V…
A collection of 261 individual sculptures and artwork, based on the BUGATTI La Voiture Noire, linked via NFT. The genesis collection of Asprey BUGATTI by @AspreyStudio. A peerless example of impeccable craftsmanship.
Created from pure sterling silver on a high gloss base hand-painted in assorted colour codes from BUGATTI and Asprey, the mesmerizing sculpture perfectly encapsulates both brands’ heritage, passion and dedication for artistry.
To create such a fine masterpiece called for a handcrafting process that was unrelenting in its pursuit for absolute sculptural perfection. Taking several months of engineering, the process behind the creation of the La Voiture Noire sculpture comprises of over 100 different manufacturing and finishing steps to be executed by the master silversmiths, ensuring a work of art is created that is flawless to the smallest detail.
The La Voiture Noire collection, which can either be wall-mounted or desk-mounted, will have a limited production run and has sold out.
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