[아마존 할인 초특가 정보] Nemesis Now River Styx Grim Reaper Tankard, 17.5cm, Blue

Price: $48.50
(as of Jul 07, 2021 15:35:18 UTC – Details)

From the twisted minds of our in house design team comes this expertly crafted tankard. Sailing along the River Styx, this reaper clings to his iconic scythe, ferrying his claimed souls to the underworld. The bottom of this drinking vessel is decorated with the sides of his long boat, showing animated skeletons gripping the sides, trying to cling to what life they have left. The handle is formed by the ships might bow, replicating a human spinal column. With intricate silver skull decorations throughout and a large Reaper stood to attention on the side, this tankard would make the perfect gift for anyone who would like to take a trip with the Ferryman.
Exclusive Nemesis Now design.
Reaper sailing the river styx.
Cast in the finest resin.
Lovingly hand-painted.
Includes a stainless steel insert for ease of cleaning.

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[위메프 할인/이벤트] 브랜드신상 출시기념 큐브미 초성퀴즈 이벤트! 정답을 ‘친구태그’와 함께 ‘댓글’로 남겨주세요! 추첨을 통해 해당상품(정품)을 드립니다! …

이벤트/할인 정보 모음: 브랜드신상 출시기념 큐브미 초성퀴즈 이벤트!
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✔이벤트 기간 : 2021/7/8(목)~7/11(일)
✔당첨자 발표 : 2021/7/12(월) 당첨자 개별 안내
✔이벤트 경품 : 큐브미 슬림큐브 플러스 4주분 정품 (30명)

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