[이벤트] Xdinary Heroes 3rd Mini Album Video Call Event is now open! Available until Ap…

이벤트/할인 정보 모음: Xdinary Heroes 3rd Mini Album Video Call Event is now open!

Available until Ap…

상세내용 보러가기(페이스북)

📣Xdinary Heroes 3rd Mini Album Video Call Event is now open!

🗓️Available until April 25, 11:59 PM (KST)
📸MMT exclusive photocard
🎁Winners also get: 1 Signed Photocard (the purchasers and winners photocards are the same), 1 Signed Polaroid for 6 randomly selected winner

Grab your CD💿 for a chance to win the Global Online Fansign Event!
Buy now👉 mmt.fans/bnXv

You could be one of the lucky winners for a one-of-a-kind opportunity to interact through a video call with your favorite artist!📲

📌Buy Xdinary Heroes 3rd Mini Album via {mmt.fans/bnXv} and automatically enter the draw to participate in the Xdinary Heroes 3rd Mini Album Video Call Event.
📌Only 30 lucky purchasers will be drawn to participate.
📌1 CD = 1 entry. Multiple entries increase chances to win a spot in the Global Video Call Event.
📌Check our FAQs for any questions👉 {mmt.fans/bnLF}

Winner Announcement:
🌟30 winners will be announced on April 26, 3:00 PM (KST) via email.
🌟The Global Video Call Event will happen on a further announced date.

#XdinaryHeroes #엑스디너리히어로즈 #Deadlock with #MyMusicTaste

상세내용 보러가기(페이스북)

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[W컨셉 할인/이벤트] I CHECK MY HEART W컨셉의 하트 보관함을 파헤쳐 보는 CHECK MY HEART! 꾸준히 사랑받는 아이템, 떠오르는 아이템 등을 … wconcept,w컨셉,마이하트,하트보관함,파헤쳐보기

이벤트/할인 정보 모음: I CHECK MY HEART W컨셉의 하트 보관함을 파헤쳐 보는
CHECK MY HEART! 꾸준히 사랑받는 아이템, 떠오르는 아이템 등을

I CHECK MY HEART❤️ W컨셉의 하트 보관함을 파헤쳐 보는
CHECK MY HEART! 꾸준히 사랑받는 아이템, 떠오르는 아이템 등을
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상세내용 보러가기(페이스북)

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