[페라리 영상] Day 2 of #FerrariCavalcadeClassiche. Time to reply some incredible moments! #Fe… FerrariCavalcadeClassiche,Ferrari,DrivingFerrari

페라리 영상: Day 2 of #FerrariCavalcadeClassiche. Time to reply some incredible moments!

Day 2 of #FerrariCavalcadeClassiche. Time to reply some incredible moments!

#Ferrari #DrivingFerrari

상세내용 보러가기(페이스북)

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[부가티] The CHIRON Super Sport ‘Guêpier’: Inspired by – and named after upon its owner’s… BUGATTI,CHIRONSuperSport,BUGATTISurMesure

부가티 영상: The CHIRON Super Sport ‘Guêpier’: Inspired by – and named after upon its owner’s…

The CHIRON Super Sport ‘Guêpier’: Inspired by – and named after upon its owner’s wish – the richly coloured bird that is known for its agility, speed and dynamism.

Green Carbon, Polished Aluminium and silver ‘Argent’ Stripes form an intersection of aesthetic distinction that underpins this ‘BUGATTI Sur Mesure’ creation.

The underside of the rear wing is a convergence of design elements featuring the ‘Guêpier’ and connecting the Green Carbon and ‘Argent’ stripes. Polished Aluminium enhances the signature line, horseshoe grille and rear EB logo while ‘Argent’ finesses the wheels and brake calipers. The mirror shine finish ensures this very special automobile shimmers in day and moonlight.


WLTP: bugatti.link/consumption

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