[페라리 영상] The latest “game changer”: the Ferrari Purosangue. It sums up the Prancing Horse… MuseoEnzoFerrari,FerrariPurosangue,MuseiFerrari,Ferrari

페라리 영상: The latest “game changer”: the Ferrari Purosangue. It sums up the Prancing Horse…

The latest “game changer”: the Ferrari Purosangue. It sums up the Prancing Horse’s research of innovation in terms of design, technology and performance like no other. 📍#MuseoEnzoFerrari, Modena

La Ferrari “game changer” più recente e rivoluzionaria: la #FerrariPurosangue. La sintesi perfetta della continua ricerca dell’innovazione del Cavallino Rampante in termini di design, tecnologia e performance. #MuseiFerrari #Ferrari

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