1. Energy management is a skill. There is a time for everything, under the sun.
2. I want to be a mother someday despite vehemently saying otherwise for the past few years.
3. I love watching paranormal investigations even though Raf says they’re basically recordings of ‘nothing’.
4. Vinland Saga is a masterpiece. The moment Thors said “A true warrior doesn’t need a sword” struck me right to my core. If you know, you know.
5. Life. Sugoi desu ne!
6. We’re all going back to where we came from.
7. Acknowledging your intuitive gifts and connection to spirit is your responsibility and the first step to using and strengthening them. Denying it will do the complete opposite.
8. Your intuitive visions/dreams may not make sense straight away. The key to it? Lots of patience, silence and jotting things down.
10. To have a complete understanding of reality and existence is unattainable in human form, because for that to happen we need to assume we and our tech are a perfect tool to interpret it. But nope, our perceptions and interpretations will always be limited. We can observe as a species but anything that comes out of us will always be a diluted version of what is. (Will this stop me contemplating? No. Lol)
11. Overemphasising flaws is a defense mechanism – Ouch. Rejecting compliments, too. – Double ouch
12. Denial has so many layers.
13. Pride and envy are really really unpleasant and painful things to spot in ourselves. Shame inducing! But with self-compassion we can see how/where we feel deficient and can then meet those needs ourselves.
14. Being in touch with your inner raging bitch *in a professional safe container and NOT towards anyone* is not as easy as it sounds for a people pleaser.
15. Humility isn’t putting yourself lower than others, it’s recognising that no one is superior or inferior to you.
16. Finding the counsellor/practitioner who gets you is a massive gift. So if you are able to afford the support and you haven’t found the fit, don’t settle!
And as always, I believe Naruto is the answer – Adie 🤍 Peace out x