[MBTI] Are you head strong? Sensitive? Or a body type? Or a combination? – This is a go…

Are you head strong? Sensitive? Or a body type? Or a combination? – This is a good place to start when it comes to finding yourself and your personality type. As you thereby limit yourself to the many possibilities.

Some are of the attitude that you can only be one type. .. If you have done a personality test and 3 types are close in points. It can be difficult to determine your type. Especially if it’s an ambivert type, who feels a bit of everything.

The types I have presented so far are not officially recognized. They are inspired by some and others I have invented myself, based on my human knowledge and studies.

I am convinced that we can all see something of ourselves in them, or recognize some traits we know in others. You can take a look at my previous posts, and see what types you can identify with. If not then maybe it’s on the drawing board..

#personality #personalgrowth #personalitydevelopment #personalitytest #personalitypic #whoami #enneagram #mbti #personalitytypes #personalitydevelopment #whattypeami #typology #caracter #identity


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