I have always been fascinated by #MBTI  as I shared in the past. Because of the test, it helped me to understand myself at a time when I was lost and discovering who I am. I always fell into the #ENTJ personality early in my life, but in the last 10 years I have slightly changed to a #INTJ.
Some people mistake being shy and reserved around certain new people as being a snob but because of early childhood traumas I just don’t trust people at first. Especially men, and I that’s why I have mostly women friends. But I’ve always been that shy quiet deviant kid in the classroom who knew the answers.
Also, I have to be comfortable around people in my space, and then the conversation has to peak my intellectual curiosity.
Now, as I am becoming more at ease with my introverted nature, I enjoy working on my own in my private space while maintaining a tight circle. I work alone a lot, but I work with many people on different subjects which keeps me happy.
If you have experienced my ability to speak on different subjects or ideas for hours, then you’re in that circle. Especially, if you see me in nonstop intense declamatory vulgar speech while managing a crisis situation or campaign —you experienced me in a true form.
My wife asks me if I have an off button. I don’t. I might be quiet at times, but I’m not off.
If I am quiet, it’s because I truly don’t do small talk and I’m just listening as my mind is going nonstop analyzing conversations, situations or ideas. I get bored easily. Sometimes I offend people by being too direct, but I am sharing what I truly believe with no mal-intent.
I know I lost friends because of my directness, my intensity, or providing feedback on a situation that ended up true. I share things with friends because I care for them. I don’t share anything with people I don’t like.
This personal post for my own public journal (my AI theory), but also I do believe the MTBI provides a good roadmap to understanding yourself