[MBTI] This is another personality thing that has literally made me feel obsessed by. T…

This is another personality thing that has literally made me feel obsessed by. The 16 Personality Types done by a MBTI survey. But, I want to outline the strengths and weaknesses. I have also noticed some do overlap with each other.

E (Extrovert) vs I (Introvert)
S (Sensing) vs N (Intuitive)
F (Feeling) vs T (Thinking)
P (Prospecting) vs J (Judging)

If you are interested and want to find out, the link to the survey is on my bio!! It’s for free and it’s really fun!!

There is nothing to be taken personally of and it is okay to disagree with results.

I am ISFJ but when I did the test in 2017, I’m ENFJ

If your personality result isn’t in this list, it will be on the other!

#personality #psychology #mbti #16personalities #esfp #estp #isfp #istp #esfj #estj #esfp #estp


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